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Employment Standards

Employment Standards

Fairness in the workplace is the right of all Ontarians.

Employment standards are enforced under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA), which sets out the minimum standards that employers and employees must follow.

The Ministry of Labour, through its Employment Standards Program:

  • enforces the ESA and its regulations
  • provides information and education to employers and employees, making it easier for people to understand and comply voluntarily
  • investigates possible violations
  • resolves complaints

If you are employed in Ontario, you are probably protected by the ESA. To find out more, check out our General Information Fact Sheet.

Employees who believe their employer has not complied with the law can file a claim with the Ministry of Labour.

Employment Standards

The Employment Standards Act provides the minimum standards for working in this province, setting out the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in 2000


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Tree of Life
1100 Lansdowne Avenue, Unit #326  Toronto, Ontario, M6H 4K1,   T: 416.516.9330,    F: 416.516.4010,  E: