Access the Human Resources Intranet

This could be rotating inspirational quote
People make the difference.  They are the most valuable resource we have.  All employees have significance. The success of each contributes to the success of all. The capacity of the group is enhanced by diversity. We encourage and accept diversity in individuals, thoughts, and perspectives. People are responsible for their own thinking, actions, and ability to influence through effective communications and systemic behaviours. We have high standards for competence of people, programs and services.


Human Resource's message

sample page - click here to enter

Employees should login at least twice a week to stay current with policy and procedures as well as Company.

To logon to the Human Resources Intranet please enter your access ID# which is your employee payroll # and your password

 Login ID


Please remember to logout

Current Employees
Change/Reset password
Intranet login problem

Tree of Life Award for February

Congratulations Jane Smith of our Marketing Department

Jane saved the company 100 hours by streamlining the month end process which allowed project Green to start 6 months early. This will save the company $200,000. 
Great Contribution

Breaking News

The purpose of an intranet is to provide a vehicle for communication similar to the world wide web that is pertinent to the organization. purpose of an intranet  By using internet technology communication is cheaper and easier than previous expensive proprietary hardware and software that was used for internal communication.

Intranets have been quite effective in keeping communication open with employees, but of course, it is essential that your employees log into the intranet several times each day. Many companies make the intranet the default start-up page from any browser within company, which makes it easier for employees to remember to log in for important information.

A company intranet helps to keep employees up to speed on various happenings within the company and they can be used as a way of communicating by posting various newsletters, articles, and company training documents.

The purpose of the intranet is for internal communication. Intranet definitions: An intranet is an internal or private computer network that accessible only to people within an organization, company or educational institution for the purpose of sharing information within the company.

The word 'intra' means within or internal. It is like the internet, except that it contains information specific to the particular organization. External people, not on the network cannot access the intranet.

An intranet means that only the company employees that are set up on the server can access the company pages, which is different from the Internet, which is open to everyone that has an Internet connection.

Most companies use their intranet in place of paper and emails because it gives everyone within the company, regardless of where they are located an opportunity to know where all the company information and communication are.

Intranets for companies are very secure, meaning that no one outside the company can get into the Intranet once the security is set in place.

Among the benefits of the intranet is it allows a central communication area for the entire company. Many people work in remote locations, therefore, it helps give a sense of connectedness to the company as a whole regardless of where someone is located.