Tree of Life  -  Human Resources Self-service Intranet 
TAI - Total Access Information 

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The Phone Directory provides everyone with contact information to all employees.  It could include name, department, position, phone, fax, email or other means of contact if available.  Additional contact information could be provided such as taxi, courier, security, building maintenance

The document could be pdf, word, excel, or database driven For excel you need to have Microsoft Office Web Components. 

This is just a sample.  Does not have sort and select capability
Tree of Life Internal Contact Directory 26-Feb-16  
Click on the drop down to select To sort highlight all data, click on sort, select heading to sort on    
First Last Position Department Phone Ext Fax Email Instructions
Bob Smith Sr.  VP Finance Finance 416-555-4546 346 416-555-8846  
Roger Baguley President   416-555-4545 347 416-555-8845  
Sally Brown Supervisor Payroll Finance 416-555-4547 348 416-555-8847  
Walter John Receptionist Administration 416-555-4548 349 416-555-8848  
Taxi Toronto Taxi     416-555-3948       Must use taxi chit for business travel 

The spreadsheet would look similar to this graphic below



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Tree of Life
1100 Lansdowne Avenue, Unit #326  Toronto, Ontario, M6H 4K1,   T: 416.516.9330,    F: 416.516.4010,  E: