Tree of Life  -  Human Resources Self-service Intranet 
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Training Paths

For each position a Training Path would be designed detailing what training must be take. The path would be in chronological order showing which training must be take in what time frame based on start date.

There would be links to each training from the training path.

There would be a contact link if they had any questions.

Management would be able to track their employees training progress to ensure they are on schedule.

Learning Path –  TEAM LEADER

Your learning path is a list of ALL learning requirements to master your role. This includes knowledge and skill acquisition through self-directed (on your own) and directed (with your Manager) learning.

Follow the Team Leader Path to complete all learning requirements.


BEGIN If you have not already done so, complete FIRST TIME IN THE TRAINING ZONE (click on the link) to learn how to navigate Associate Learning Zone.

NEXT Locate the Accelerated Management Trainee Program WORKBOOK

The program coordinator will ensure you have a copy of the workbook. If you don’t have a copy, please reach to the Program Coordinator or to Learning and Development at .

LEARNING Refer to the 3 month learning calendar within the AMT workbook for your learning requirements, learning ‘path’, and learning instructions.



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Tree of Life
1100 Lansdowne Avenue, Unit #326  Toronto, Ontario, M6H 4K1,   T: 416.516.9330,    F: 416.516.4010,  E: