Tree of Life  -  Human Resources Self-service Intranet 
TAI - Total Access Information 

Growing exceptional work relationships through our values

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Course Catalogue

On this page would be a list of all available courses (online, external, classroom). A training video could be available to assist the employee.  Each course would have the audience identified so the employee would know if the course was applicable to their position.  All employees would be able to do all training but only those applicable to their position would be allowed during approved work hours. If the course catalogue is database driven the employee would be able to select by online, class, external. The employee would also be able to select only those course for their position.  They would able to see which course they have completed and those still to be taken and by when. 


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Tree of Life
1100 Lansdowne Avenue, Unit #326  Toronto, Ontario, M6H 4K1,   T: 416.516.9330,    F: 416.516.4010,  E: