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  Handbook Policies Forms HR


Where applicable T Training , P Policy  and F Forms links will be provided to direct the employee to applicable document or resources. 

Download a copy of the Employee Handbook (pdf)
  When there is a discrepancy between the Handbook the most recent version of the policy and form will supersede. We suggest you always refer to the most recent online version.

The Employee Handbook contains the human resource policies, procedures and management practices of the Company. The objectives of this Employee Handbook are to: provide an understanding of the company’s job standard for managers and employees to comprehend their rights and the company’s expectations when carrying out their responsibilities, duties and accountabilities encourage continuity and consistency in the administration and application of policies, procedures and management practices provide access to approved information resources necessary for successful employment foster communication and promote understanding between employees and their management provide direction and authority in the day-to-day administration and management of your job duties assist in the development of sound and consistent business practices act as a reference and an electronic information resource document

Throughout the Employee Handbook, individuals have been referred to generically as "employees," regardless of the staff group in which they work. Some of the policies apply to employees who are represented at the Institute by labour unions. In the event of a discrepancy between the manual as it applies to these.

A detailed table of contents is included containing the main topics. The "revised" date reflects the latest revision incorporated into the Employee Handbook; this date does not necessarily imply the original effective date of a policy or its effective date.

Management will administer these policies in a consistent and equitable manner. The provisions of the Employee Handbook are conditions of employment and may be modified, revoked, or changed by the Management, with or without notice, at any time.

Employee questions which are unable to be answered by this Employee Handbook or Policies and Procedures should be referred to your manager or Human Resources. Please note that the Employee Handbook is available only as an electronic document on the HR Intranet. Employee and Management requiring hard copies of any policy should print them directly from HR Intranet.

Comments or suggestions regarding this Employee Handbook are welcome and may be submitted to the Human Resources Department.


While we try to ensure that this document reflects current Policy, at times there may be a lag between a change in policy and an update of this document. Some of the information may change from time to time since our policies are under constant review and are revised when appropriate. Each policy and form has a date indicating the effective date, however, if you should have a question if policy statement contained in the Employee Handbook is the most current please contact HR directly.

Please note: There is no guarantee of employment made to any staff member in this Employee Handbook. The Employee Handbook will replace any and all existing copies of any previously issued HR/Personnel Administration Procedures Manuals as of July 1st 2012 and from this date onward Management and Employees must use the electronic Employee Handbook only when referencing policies, procedures and management practices of the Company. Any terms and conditions of employment not covered, in part or in whole, in this manual shall be subject to the provisions of ESA legislation.

How to use the Manual

Employees, upon hiring will receive ‘logon information’ from their Controller to gain access to the Employee Handbook and are expected to familiarize themselves with the Employee Handbook as part of their orientation to employment with their Dealership.

Where to Begin

First, completely read the Employee Handbook with in the first ten (10) days of your employment date. The table of contents is designed to group related policies together in one section.

Within the first ten (10) days which you are on the job, you must print, sign and hand deliver or email an acknowledgement form to your Controller who will file it in your HR file. Your acknowledgement form will confirm that you have read, understand and agree to abide by the policies, procedures and management practices of the Company.

Open Door Policy

The Company operates in an “open door environment”. All employees input is valued and may be presented without fear of personal recrimination or harassment.


All staff members are encouraged to provide comments, input and suggestions concerning the overall operation and programs of the Company using their appropriate channels of communication.

Equal Employment Opportunity

The Company believes that equal opportunity for all employees is important for the continuing success of our organization. In accordance with provincial and federal law. Opportunity is provided to all employee based on competency, skills, experience, qualifications, academics and job spec requirements.

Handbook Updates (Download current copy of Employee Handbook from the Handbook page)

As edits are made to the handbook, they will be listed below. It is up to you to review the full text in the current version of the Employee Handbook. Full details about a policy will be placed on the Policy page for you to read.



Revised version September 1, 2012

Edited January 29, 2016





Table of Contents

 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1             Acknowledgement Form.. PAGEREF _Toc443214181 \h 1

2             Equal Opportunity Employer.. PAGEREF _Toc443214182 \h 2

3             Employment.. PAGEREF _Toc443214183 \h 3

3.1          Personal Information. PAGEREF _Toc443214184 \h 3

3.2          Employee Files. PAGEREF _Toc443214185 \h 3

3.3          Employee Relations. PAGEREF _Toc443214186 \h 3

3.4          Probationary Period. PAGEREF _Toc443214187 \h 3

3.5          Confidentiality of Information. PAGEREF _Toc443214188 \h 4

3.6          Career Opportunities. PAGEREF _Toc443214189 \h 4

3.7          Third Party Reference Checks. PAGEREF _Toc443214190 \h 4

3.8          Employment of Relatives. PAGEREF _Toc443214191 \h 4

4             Conditions of Employment.. PAGEREF _Toc443214192 \h 5

4.1          Code of Conduct. PAGEREF _Toc443214193 \h 5

4.2          Gifts & Favours. PAGEREF _Toc443214194 \h 7

4.3          Non Solicitation. PAGEREF _Toc443214195 \h 7

4.4          Conflict of Interest. PAGEREF _Toc443214196 \h 8

4.5          Cooperation. PAGEREF _Toc443214197 \h 8

4.6          Honesty. PAGEREF _Toc443214198 \h 8

4.7          Valid OMVIC License and G Class Driver's License (September 14, 2014) PAGEREF _Toc443214199 \h 9

5             Development.. PAGEREF _Toc443214200 \h 9

5.1          Training. PAGEREF _Toc443214201 \h 9

5.2          Certifications. PAGEREF _Toc443214202 \h 10

6             Dress Code.. PAGEREF _Toc443214203 \h 10

6.1          Sales Staff. PAGEREF _Toc443214204 \h 10

6.2          Parts & Service Staff. PAGEREF _Toc443214205 \h 11

6.3          Technical Staff & Clean up Staff. PAGEREF _Toc443214206 \h 11

6.4          Support Staff. PAGEREF _Toc443214207 \h 11

7             Compensation.. PAGEREF _Toc443214208 \h 11

7.1          Pay Periods. PAGEREF _Toc443214209 \h 11

7.2          Payroll Deductions/Taxable Benefits. PAGEREF _Toc443214210 \h 11

7.3          Commission Discrepancies. PAGEREF _Toc443214211 \h 11

7.4          Overtime. PAGEREF _Toc443214212 \h 12

7.5          Reporting Pay. PAGEREF _Toc443214213 \h 12

7.6          Wage Garnishment. PAGEREF _Toc443214214 \h 12

7.7          Time Cards. PAGEREF _Toc443214215 \h 12

7.8          Sales Representatives Bi-weekly Shifts Recording. PAGEREF _Toc443214216 \h 12

7.9          Sick Days. PAGEREF _Toc443214217 \h 12

8             Benefits.. PAGEREF _Toc443214218 \h 13

9             Holidays.. PAGEREF _Toc443214219 \h 13

10           Vacations.. PAGEREF _Toc443214220 \h 15

10.1        Entitlement. PAGEREF _Toc443214221 \h 15

10.2        Booking Vacation Time. PAGEREF _Toc443214222 \h 16

10.2.1     General Managers Booking Vacation. PAGEREF _Toc443214223 \h 16

10.3        Vacation and Leaves of Absence. PAGEREF _Toc443214224 \h 16

11           Absence.. PAGEREF _Toc443214225 \h 16

11.1        Emergency Leave. PAGEREF _Toc443214226 \h 16

11.2        Family Medical Leave. PAGEREF _Toc443214227 \h 17

11.3        Pregnancy Leave. PAGEREF _Toc443214228 \h 18

11.4        Parental Leave. PAGEREF _Toc443214229 \h 18

11.5        Personal Leave of Absence. PAGEREF _Toc443214230 \h 19

11.6        Bereavement Leave. PAGEREF _Toc443214231 \h 19

11.7        Jury Duty. PAGEREF _Toc443214232 \h 19

11.8        Voting. PAGEREF _Toc443214233 \h 20

11.9        Job Abandonment. PAGEREF _Toc443214234 \h 20

12           Discipline.. PAGEREF _Toc443214235 \h 20

13           Harassment and Discrimination Free Workplace.. PAGEREF _Toc443214236 \h 21

13.1        Definition of Harassment. PAGEREF _Toc443214237 \h 21

13.2        Unwelcome Verbal Conduct. PAGEREF _Toc443214238 \h 22

13.3        Unwelcome Physical Conduct. PAGEREF _Toc443214239 \h 22

13.4        Sexual Harassment. PAGEREF _Toc443214240 \h 22

13.5        Internal Complaint Procedure. PAGEREF _Toc443214241 \h 23

13.6        Complaint Procedure. PAGEREF _Toc443214242 \h 23

13.7        Nonretaliation. PAGEREF _Toc443214243 \h 24

13.8        Human Rights Legislation Compliance. PAGEREF _Toc443214244 \h 24

13.9        Purpose of Having a Human Rights Understanding in the Workplace. PAGEREF _Toc443214245 \h 25

13.10      Dispute Resolution. PAGEREF _Toc443214246 \h 25

14           Internet and E-mail. PAGEREF _Toc443214247 \h 26

14.1        Unacceptable Uses of the Internet and Company E-mail: PAGEREF _Toc443214248 \h 26

14.2        Security. PAGEREF _Toc443214249 \h 27

14.3        Communications. PAGEREF _Toc443214250 \h 27

14.4        Reporting Abuse. PAGEREF _Toc443214251 \h 28

14.5        Consequences. PAGEREF _Toc443214252 \h 28

15           Workplace Environment.. PAGEREF _Toc443214253 \h 29

15.1        Attendance & Punctuality. PAGEREF _Toc443214254 \h 29

15.2        Alcohol & Illegal Substances in the Workplace. PAGEREF _Toc443214255 \h 30

15.3        Hours of Operation. PAGEREF _Toc443214256 \h 31

15.4        Meal Breaks. PAGEREF _Toc443214257 \h 31

15.5        Smoke Free Workplace. PAGEREF _Toc443214258 \h 31

15.6        Personal Workspace. PAGEREF _Toc443214259 \h 31

16           Vehicles.. PAGEREF _Toc443214260 \h 32

16.1        Car Allowance, Demonstrators and Assigned Company Vehicles. PAGEREF _Toc443214261 \h 32

16.2        Vehicle Damage. PAGEREF _Toc443214262 \h 33

16.3        Motor Vehicle Act. PAGEREF _Toc443214263 \h 34

16.4        Employee Vehicle Purchases. PAGEREF _Toc443214264 \h 34

17           Health & Safety.. PAGEREF _Toc443214265 \h 34

17.1        Accident Reporting. PAGEREF _Toc443214266 \h 36

17.2        Early & Safe Return to Work. PAGEREF _Toc443214267 \h 36

17.3        Personal Protective Devices. PAGEREF _Toc443214268 \h 36

17.4        Cellular Phone Use Prohibited During Operation of Vehicles. PAGEREF _Toc443214269 \h 36

17.5        License Status. PAGEREF _Toc443214270 \h 37

18           Branding and Logo.. PAGEREF _Toc443214271 \h 37

18.1        Branding Key Points. PAGEREF _Toc443214272 \h 37

18.2        Correspondence. PAGEREF _Toc443214273 \h 37

18.3        Logo. PAGEREF _Toc443214274 \h 37

19           Corporate.. PAGEREF _Toc443214275 \h 38

19.1        Cash Handling & Other Asset Management. PAGEREF _Toc443214276 \h 38

19.2        Customer Service. PAGEREF _Toc443214277 \h 38

19.3        Meetings. PAGEREF _Toc443214278 \h 38

19.4        Organization Charts. PAGEREF _Toc443214279 \h 38

19.5        Document Storage. PAGEREF _Toc443214280 \h 38

19.6        Key Security and Control. PAGEREF _Toc443214281 \h 38

19.7        Legal. PAGEREF _Toc443214282 \h 39

20           Conclusion.. PAGEREF _Toc443214283 \h 39




1         Acknowledgement Form

This orientation handbook contains important and useful information regarding the Tree of Life's expectations, hereinafter referred to as the Company, human resources and employment policies and procedures. It supersedes any other handbooks, memoranda, statements or pronouncements that may have been received in the past. In order to retain necessary flexibility in its policies and procedures, the Company reserves the right to modify the policies and procedures in this handbook from time to time. Recommend that you check the HR Intranet often but at least monthly. As Government Bylaws are revised and new ones become law and new policies and procedures are introduced, updates will be issued for inclusion in this handbook frequently so please check regularly.

The Company retains the discretion to decide whether these policies and procedures apply to a specific situation, and how they should be interpreted.

This handbook contains private materials that are not to be discussed with anyone to whom a handbook has not been issued. Please note that all company email traffic is randomly monitored on all company computers, servers, systems and your internet surfing history is also reviewed for security reasons and Employees should not retain an expectation of privacy.

By signing this Acknowledgement Form, I acknowledge that I have received my User ID and password, understood and agree to by abide Tree of Life’ s policies and procedures set out herein. A signed copy of this acknowledgement form will be retained in your human resources file within the first 10 days of your employment start date and you agree to resign a new Acknowledgement Form annually each year in January.

Nothing contained in this handbook will confer upon you any right with respect to the continuation of your employment or interfere in any way with the right of the Company at any time to edit or alter any terms of employment and/or polices and will not conflict with ESA, Human Rights Act, any Safety and/or other Government Legislation.

Please note that the understanding of the Employee Handbook and signature of this form are a ‘condition of employment’

_________________________ _________________________ _____________


Employee’s Printed Name Employee’s                                                                              Signature Date


______________________ _________________________ ________________

Manager’s Printed Name Manager’s                                                                                  Signature Date


Employee's employment date: _____________________________________


To be signed no later than ten(10) working days from the Employment date of my employment


Edited June 13, 2013                                                     Version 1.0 Revision 1.0


Welcome to the Tree of Life team. By exceeding customers’ expectations every time, we enhance our reputation as we strive to be the best automotive company in Canada. Everyone plays an important role in the success of our operations.

We strive to hire the very best in talent. We look for individuals who continually:

1.  Set high standards and goals,

2.  Function as team players,

3.  Are flexible and big-picture orientated,

4.  Are disciplined, committed and accountable,

5.  Display honesty, integrity and a strong work ethic,

6.  Demonstrate professional conduct in all actions with our customers and colleagues,

7.  Reducing loss and growing profit potential.

Welcome from Founder and President. In the words of owner Roger Baguley, “ We look for individuals who take the time to put themselves in the customer’s shoes.”

 In the last year alone the Tree of Life has expanded the customer based to 15,000  national and international clients. You have joined an exceptionally focused and customer driven team!

This handbook outlines company policies and procedures as they pertain to your employment. Should you have any questions or require any clarification about these policies and procedures, speak with your manager. S/he can help you better understand how we operate.

You are required to abide by the policies and procedures outlined herein, as well as adhere to any legislation or regulation that governs our industry and the Employment Standards and Human Rights legislations.

2         Equal Opportunity Employer  


We are firmly committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect free from workplace harassment in all employment policy practices. The company recruits, hires and promotes with strong attention to all Human Rights Legislation. without regard to race, colour, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, religion, marital or partnership status, family status, age or handicap or other prohibited grounds of discrimination.

Employee conduct, whether intentional or unintentional, that results in violation to Human Rights will not be tolerated. Discrimination or harassment in any form is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment for cause.

3         Employment

3.1              Personal Information

Employees are responsible for keeping the Company apprised of any changes in their personal information required by the organization to administer our employment relationship. Changes such as address changes or telephone changes, must be reported to your manager. Managers are responsible for ensuring that the employee files are updated to reflect the changes and that the Human Resources is notified of the change.

3.2              Employee Files

The Company respects the privacy of its employees. Designated personnel, for example payroll, may have access to an employee file as required for legitimate specified purposes. These employees are obligated to ensure that employee information to which they may have access remains confidential. Employees who breech the confidentiality with regards to employee files will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge for cause.

3.3              Employee Relations

Management believes that our success depends on the quality and commitment of our employees.  Our objectives are to maintain a high quality working relationship with all our staff, based upon mutual trust, respect, courtesy and tolerance.  To this end, we strive to provide you with a work environment, which is free from discrimination and/or harassment. We strive to:

        provide a work environment that encourages self motivation and initiative;

        provide fair rewards for sustained job performance;

        encourage frank and open dialogue about work and/or business issues;

        offer equal opportunity for personal development, career growth and advancement based on individual ability and demonstrated job performance;

        provide healthy and safe working conditions for all.

3.4              Probationary Period


During your first 90 days of employment you are considered a probationary employee. Consider it a test-drive where you have the opportunity to evaluate your new job responsibilities and we have the opportunity to evaluate you as a potential member of the team. During the probationary period, either party may end the relationship at any time. the company is not obligated to provide any notice or pay in lieu of notice or reason should employment be terminated during this time period.

3.5              Confidentiality of Information

As an organization we are committed to the privacy of our employees, clients, and confidential business information. You may, at one time or another, receive personal, privileged or confidential information, which may concern other employees, company operations or clients/customers. You are responsible for keeping any information you handle confidential, ensuring that it is used only for the purpose for which is was collected and is not otherwise disclosed or used. This includes client information, passwords, and personal information about another employee. In the event of termination of employment, you are required to relinquish any information you may have in your possession or control. Following termination of employment, you cannot use or disclose personal, privileged or confidential information received by you during the course of your employment, including Venice Auto proprietary information and practices, unless such information becomes public information other than by your own conduct. Should you require us to release your personal information to a third party on your behalf, you will be required to grant us written authorization to do so.

You are responsible for keeping your employee file updated with your current address information, phone number etc.

3.6              Career Opportunities


The automobile industry offers rewarding and challenging careers to individuals with integrity, ability, and the ambition to take on additional responsibility. The company will endeavor to promote from within when appropriate. Promotions will be made on the basis of previous commitment, strong performance and qualifications. Should you be interested in moving upwards in the organization the first step is to have a candid discussion with your manager.

All employees must follow the Internal Job Posting Procedures when applying for an internal posting.

3.7              Third Party Reference Checks

We are committed to protecting employee privacy. Should you require the Company to release information such as salary to a Third Party we require written authorization from you. Alternatively, the Company will provide a letter of confirmation, on letterhead, directly to you. We will not provide letters addressed simply “To whom it may concern”.

3.8              Employment of Relatives

For the purpose of this policy relatives are defined as spouses, including common law spouses, sons and daughters including stepsons and stepdaughters, parents, brothers, sisters including step brothers and step- sisters, grandparents, in-laws.

This policy has been enacted in order to assure fair treatment of employees, to avoid conflict of interest situations and to prevent situations where one relative can directly influence the employment of another. Relatives of existing employees may only be employed in the company with the consent of the President, or CFO. Where relatives are currently employed in the company, every effort will be made to distance the employees from directly influencing the employment of each other. Employees who are related shall not be connected in a reporting relationship. Should you be related to a candidate for employment or should you become related to an employee, for example, via marriage, common law, you must inform the General Manager. Relatives of stakeholders are exempt from this policy. Family members may be employed in a short-term casual labour situation with the consent of the President, or CFO.

4         Conditions of Employment

We strive to hire the very best. To be a part of the team, all employees must undergo satisfactory reference checks and be legally eligible to work in Canada. All employees must agree to abide by the policies and procedures of the Company.

Any candidate who deliberately misrepresents or falsifies information during the recruitment or selection process shall be eliminated from the selection process and, if employed shall be discharged for cause.

For those selling vehicles a valid OMVIC license must be in Good Standing and maintained at all times. A current copy of your valid license must be kept in your employee file. It is your responsibility to ensure that your license is renewed as required. Employees who have their license suspended or revoked may have their employment terminated for cause. 

All employees driving customer or company vehicles must possess a valid class G license and a driving record that is acceptable to our insurer as indicated by an uncompromised driver’s abstract. Any change in a driver’s abstract must be reported to your manager.

Driver’s License numbers must be kept on file for insurance purposes.

Driver’s abstracts will be checked periodically. Abstracts must be renewed annually.

Failure to maintain the conditions of employment could result in termination for cause.

4.1              Code of Conduct


The Company is committed to a professional and harassment free work environment and strives to maintain a professional image at all times for our customers. You are expected to govern your interactions with colleagues and customers accordingly.

Proper conduct includes but is not limited to:

        Adherence to published policies, practices and procedures;

        Competent performance of all job duties as assigned;

        Prompt and regular attendance at work at the agreed upon time;

        Courtesy to and respect for co-workers, customers, suppliers, or any other person who does business with our Company;

        Wearing proper business attire during working hours which is, appropriate to the job being performed.  If in doubt, please discuss with your manager.

Inappropriate or unacceptable conduct and behaviour includes but is not limited to:

        Loitering or loafing;

        “Not reporting absences from work in accordance with the Attendance and Punctuality Policy;

        Leaving work early or absenting the department for extended periods of time without approval or notice;

        Using unacceptable language (obscene, cursing or abusive);

        Spreading malicious gossip or rumours or untruths;

        Horseplay or throwing objects;

        Reporting to work or working while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or prohibited substances;

        Creating or contributing to unsanitary or unsafe conditions;

        Excessive personal use of telephone or computer facilities during business hours;


        Use of e-mail or internet contrary to the Internet and E-Mail Policy;

        Possession of guns, weapons or explosives or dangerous substances on company property;

        Harassing, threatening, intimidating, coercing any person at any time;

        Possession, consumption or use or dealing of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances while on company premises;

        Willful violation of safety and/or environmental rules and procedures;

        Willful neglect and or mishandling company equipment and machinery;

        Unsafe driving or dangerous of company or customers vehicles;

        Theft or the falsification of company records and/or documents;



        Poor or careless work performance.

Inappropriate or unacceptable conduct and/or behaviour that could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment with cause.

4.2              Gifts & Favours

It is company policy to refuse any cash, gift, gratuities or favours of more than a token value from anyone who is a potential or actual customer, vendor, supplier or is otherwise doing business with the organization including financial institutions unless a contest is sanctioned by the company. Should you receive a gift or favours in excess of $50.00 you must report it to your manager immediately. Your manager will then decide if the gift should be returned, collected and raffled off, shared or remain with you, the employee.

4.3              Non Solicitation

The Company respects the privacy of both its employees and customers and provides all staff with a work environment that is free from advertising, canvassing, solicitation or promotion of external sales, associations, interests or religious affiliations.

It is the policy of the Company to recognize that employees are oftentimes a captive and unwilling audience for those individuals, including fellow employees, soliciting either sales, donations or enlistment in external affiliations and may feel undue pressure to purchase or engage in the activity being offered.

Solicitation on company property will not be permitted. Individuals seeking access for the purpose of solicitation will be denied entry or escorted from the premises should they have gained access.

Distribution of material supplied by genuine community-orientated organizations may be authorized by the General Manager provided that doing so does not cause disruption of work, is handled in such a way that no employee feels pressured to participate, provided that the material does not solicit business, or membership and materials do not contain political, religiously orientated or inflammatory material.

Accessing, obtaining, using or distributing company information, employee lists, or client lists for the purpose of solicitation or aiding a third party in the solicitation of employees or clients will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for cause. Access to employee and client lists will be restricted to authorized personnel.

Should you be approached by an external solicitor, please inform the person of the policy and ask them to leave. If the person refuses to leave contact a manager. A member of the management team will escort the individual from the premises or contact the police in order to have the person removed. Should an employee approach you, please make your manager aware of the situation.

Please note that the solicitation of Employees by existing Employees of the Tree of Life for the purposes of employment of any kind during your employment history is strictly prohibited and is a serious violation of Company Policy either during working hours &/or outside of working hours. If you are contacted by a former Employee/s for the purposes of employment recruiting of any kind please make your Manager immediately aware of the details.

Employees found to be soliciting on Company property will face disciplinary action/Corrective Action up to and including dismissal for cause.

4.4              Conflict of Interest


As an employee, you are expected to place the interests of the organization ahead of your own personal interests. All employees are prohibited from involving themselves in any situation that could present a conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest include but are not limited to involvement in the exportation of vehicles, curb- siding, offering service and parts to customers at unwarranted discounted rates, soliciting potential and existing company customers for personal business ventures, or working on non-client cars on the premises without proper written consent.

You are required to notify your manager of any actual or potential conflict of interest situations. Penalties for undisclosed or unauthorized conflict of interest situations include disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment with cause.

As an organization, we are committed to the privacy of our employees, clients, and confidential business information. You may, at one time or another, receive personal, privileged or confidential information, which may concern other employees, company operations or clients/customers. You are responsible for keeping any information you handle confidential, ensuring that it is used only for the purpose for which is was collected and is not otherwise disclosed or used. This includes client information, passwords, and personal information about another employee. In the event of termination of employment, you are required to relinquish any information you may have in your possession or control. Following termination of employment, you cannot use or disclose personal, privileged or confidential information received by you during the course of your employment, including the Company proprietary information and practices, unless such information becomes public information other than by your own conduct. Should you require us to release your personal information to a third party on your behalf, you will be required to grant us written authorization to do so.

You are responsible for keeping your employee payroll file updated with your current address information, phone number etc.

4.5              Cooperation

As an employee you are entitled to work in an atmosphere of understanding, co‑operation, dignity and respect. You are responsible for making a conscious effort towards achieving a professional and friendly work environment for all employees. Taking care to address fellow employees in a positive and professional manner creates goodwill and fosters co-operation. Consider your colleagues to be your internal customers and treat them accordingly.

4.6              Honesty

As a valued member of our team you are placed in a position of trust. Any suspicious incident on the part of any customers or fellow staff member should be reported immediately to your manager. Falsifying documents or removing company property from the premises without prior management consent will result in immediate termination of employment with cause.

4.7              Valid OMVIC License and G Class Driver's License (September 14, 2014)

If your job responsibilities require either or both a valid OMVIC License &/or a valid G class driver’s license, the following conditions of employment apply and must be maintained throughout the life of your employment during the period of time that you perform these jobs.

Must Maintain a Valid OMVIC License

Employees agree to maintain an accredited OMVIC License and be aware of the regulations governing the Automotive Industry.

Should your OMVIC License be terminated, expire or for any reason be suspended or become invalid you are required to contact your Manager at once*.

Must Maintain a G Class Driver’s License

Employees agree to maintain a valid Ontario G class driver’s license.

Employees are required to provide a driver’s abstract report annually on the anniversary of their hire date or at an annual date at the discretion of their Manager.

Please note, that each time the results of the annual driver’s abstract report must be satisfactory as per the discretion of Management.

Should your Driver’s License be terminated, expire or for any reason be suspended, you are required to contact your Manager at once*.

*Failure to meet these minimum job standards and qualifications will lead to Corrective Action or termination.

5         Development


5.1              Training

The company will offer equal opportunity for personal development, career growth and advancement based on individual ability and demonstrated job performance. The company will offer training as required and provide the employee with assistance identifying training requirements and where to find approved training providers.

5.2              Certifications

The employee is required to keep their mandatory certification and licenses current. Copies of each are to be placed in your Human Resources files

6         Dress Code


Maintaining friendly and professional environment requires that we present a business and professional appearance. Good taste is always in style making it possible to conform to responsible fashion trends that are appropriate in a business environment.

Inappropriate clothing includes but is not limited to jeans, cargo pants, pants that are low cut, worn, or faded, shorts, sweatpants, spandex or other form fitting pants, tank tops or cropped tops, tops or dresses with bare shoulders unless worn under another top or jacket, shirts with large lettering or clothing with logos other than our manufacturer, miniskirts, sun or spaghetti strap dresses, thong sandals, and clothing which exposed undergarments.

Hats, unless worn for religious purposes, are permitted indoors in only the auto bays and clean-up bay areas. Hats may only contain logos, lettering or patches of our manufacturers.

Your clothes should be appropriate for your work environment.

Tree of Life is concerned that visible tattoos and body piercings such as nose rings and tongue studs may offend some customers and employees. While tattoos and piercings may be examples of employee self-expression unless they are recognized as indications of religious expression they must be covered while working with customers and Employees who have customer contact

Management reserves the right to send anyone who is inappropriately dressed home, with the expectation that the employee shall change into appropriate business attire and return promptly to work to complete their shift.

You must abide by the Safety Shoe Policy at all times and where required uniforms must be worn and kept in good condition. Employees are responsible for the purchase of their own uniforms through payroll deductions.

6.1              Sales Staff

Appropriate dress for sales representatives includes:

·         suits, jackets, shirts, ties, dress shoes (Collared sports shirts may be worn with the consent of management during the summer months)

·         dress pants, or skirts, blouses, dresses, nylons and dress shoes

Please avoid offending or making customers and fellow employees by avoiding heavy perfumes, aftershaves or lotions, air fresheners in cars or offices and smoking prior to dealing with a customer or employee. Employees are asked to maintain personal hygiene.

6.2              Parts & Service Staff

Parts & Service staff are required to wear the appropriate full company clean uniform of the season. Uniforms should be well- pressed and kept in good condition at all times. Parts staff are required to wear safety shoes. Drivers may wear hats appropriate to the season provided they are absent from all logos, lettering or patches, other than our manufacturer’s.

6.3              Technical Staff & Clean up Staff

Technical staff are required to wear coveralls, safety shoes and any required protective safety equipment. Hats or toques in winter may be worn provided they are absent from all logos, lettering or patches other than our manufacturer’s.

6.4              Support Staff

Appropriate business dress is required. Business casual is acceptable on Fridays.

7         Compensation


7.1              Pay Periods

Pay is processed once every two weeks for all employees except commissioned employees who do not receive a draw. Employees on commission receive commission cheques once a month, usually no later than the second week after final month close off.

There will be no advances on pay. At the discretion of management, in certain circumstances, commissioned employees may be granted payment for commissions earned in the month but not yet paid. The company does not cash pay cheques or personal cheques.

7.2              Payroll Deductions/Taxable Benefits

Legislation requires certain payroll deductions are required by law. These include:

1. Federal Income Tax

2. Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions

3. Employment Insurance Premiums.

The employee portion of benefit premiums will be deducted from your cheques if you choose to participate in the group benefit program. Other benefits that are paid by the company may be considered taxable benefits. Whatever is deemed to be a taxable benefit will be added to your gross earnings of your income tax form (T4).

Technician Training Pay – Flat rate technicians will be paid a rate of eight hours for each full day they are required to attend training. The rate will be pro-rated for courses of shorter duration.

7.3              Commission Discrepancies

Any discrepancies must be reported immediately to your manager after you have received your commission pay cheques.

7.4              Overtime

Employees who are not in a managerial or supervisory position are entitled to Overtime (at the rate of one and one-half of the employee’s regular rate of pay) for hours worked in excess of the statutory maximum provided the overtime is approved in advance by the General Manager in writing before being worked. In some instances Overtime Agreements may be arranged whereby overtime is averaged over a period of up to four weeks. The organization and the employee may agree that the employee receives time off in lieu of overtime pay.

7.5              Reporting Pay

In rare circumstances, the company may be unable to provide an employee with their regular work. In such cases, hourly paid employees who regularly work more than three hours per day who report to work at the start of their regular shift, unless they have been previously advised not to do so, may be assigned to any available work and receive their regular rate of pay until they can be reassigned to their normal work. If no alternative work is available, employees may be sent home in which case they shall receive 3 hours of Reporting Pay at their regular rate of pay.

Reporting Pay will not be paid in those situations where the lack of work is caused by fire, lightning, power failure, storms or similar causes beyond the company’s control.

7.6              Wage Garnishment

Legislation requires the Company comply with court ordered payments and wage garnishments when they are presented. Should the Company receive a wage garnishment order you will be contacted by payroll and informed when it will be effective. Wage garnishments are considered confidential information and shall be maintained only in the necessary payroll files.

7.7              Time Cards

All employees are responsible for punching their own timecard at the commencement and end of the work day.  It is a termination offense to punch another employee’s timecard. 

7.8              Sales Representatives Bi-weekly Shifts Recording

At Dealerships the employee must sign agreeing to the bi-weekly shift form/schedule.

7.9              Sick Days



TREE OF LIFE full‑time employees*, who have been employed for 12 months become eligible to earn .4166 of a day per month which equals five (5) days of sick leave per calendar year (January to December) after they have been employment for a 12 month period.

Medical certificates are required when employees are absent for two (2) or more consecutive days.

Carry Forward

TREE OF LIFE’s Sick Leave Policy does not provide employees the option to carry forward unused sick days or to add them to the next year’s entitlement.  Unused time is deleted at the end of each calendar year on December 31st.

Use as Personal Time

Employees are not allowed to use their sick days for personal time-off. The policy is for time away from the job for illness only. 

Use as Vacation Days

Sick days are not permitted to extend vacation leaves.  If employees take a sick day the day before or immediately following a vacation leave, TREE OF LIFE requires a medical certificate be presented upon return to work.


Sick days have ‘no cash value’ unless used for illness and are not payout if unused.  


*Please note that commissioned and flat rate positions do not qualify for this sick day policy benefits.

8         Benefits


All full-time employees who have successfully completed 90 days of service re entitled to participate in the company benefit program. The premium cost of the benefit plan is co-funded by the company and the employees.. We reserve the right to unilaterally change or alter. The terms of our benefit plan are governed and controlled by the relevant formal plan documents as amended from time to time. Summary information about the plan is contained in the benefit booklet and will outline the major provisions of the formal plan documents, as they presently exist. The formal plan documents themselves are controlling and, in the event of any discrepancy between the formal plan documents and this handbook or the benefit booklet, the formal plan documents will govern. You should feel free to refer any questions concerning our benefit program to your benefit coordinator or Human Resources. Should you wish to opt out of the benefit plan you must sign a waiver available from payroll. Opting out of the benefit plan means that should you wish to join at a later date,  enrollment will be subject to proof of eligibility at your expense.

Changes to your marital status, dependents or other information required to administer the company benefit program must be reported to the benefits coordinator.

9         Holidays


The following holidays are observed by the Company.

New Year’s Day

Family Day

Good Friday

Victoria Day

Canada Day

August Civic Holiday* (optional depending on auto industry practises)

Labour Day



Boxing Day**

*The August Civic Holiday is not a statutory holiday and the company may elect to open depending on the auto industry practices. In that event you may be required to work. The Company will treat the August Civic Holiday as a public holiday in all other regards.

** Retailers are not prohibited from opening on Boxing Day and you may be required to work.

Generally, employees on the active payroll qualify for holiday entitlements unless they fail, without reasonable cause, to work:

        their entire regularly-scheduled shift before or after the statutory holiday; or

        their entire shift on the statutory holiday if they agreed or were required to work that day.

Should business needs dictate working a statutory holiday and you agree, the company may substitute another working day for the statutory holiday. In that event, you will receive your regular rate for hours worked on the holiday and receive statutory holiday pay for the working day taken off in lieu of the holiday. Alternatively, the company with, your agreement, may pay you holiday pay and 1 and ½ times your regular rate for each hour worked on a statutory holiday.

Statutory holidays that fall on a day the business is normally closed will be observed on a date set by management. In the event that a statutory holiday occurs when you are on vacation, you will be entitled to another day off to be taken at a time that is mutually agreeable to you and the company.

10    Vacations

Vacations are granted annually based on completed years of continuous active employment with the Company. A vacation year must be earned before it can be taken. Vacation considers how much time an employee is entitled to have off and how much an employee is to be paid.

1-year plus                       4%       2 weeks (10 days)

5-year plus                       6%       3 weeks (10 days)

10.1        Entitlement


The following chart illustrates the amount of vacation time and vacation pay that is earned by full time active employees after each year of completed service.

Full Time Active Employees

Years of Active Service

Annual Vacation Time

Vacation Pay

After 1 year

10 days

4% of wages

After 5 year

15 days

6% of wages

Part Time Employees

Years of Completed Active Service

Vacation Time

Vacation Pay

After 1 year

10 days*

4% of wages.

* to be taken at minimum in 1 week allotments.

Vacation Entitlement for Salaried and Hourly Employees


Vacation Pay-out

1st year

.83 of a day per month of work to a total of 10 days in the first year.

From one year  onward

4% of annual salary



Vacation must be taken. Earned vacation entitlement cannot be carried over from one year to another, except with the written permission of the General Manager.

In order for vacation to be taken in increments of less than one week it must be requested in writing and approved in writing by the General Manager.

Where vacation is not taken in complete weeks, vacation time is based upon the number of days in the employee's regular work week or, if the employee does not have a regular work week, the average number of days the employee worked per week during the most recently completed vacation entitlement year.

10.2        Booking Vacation Time

The philosophy of vacation scheduling is to maintain adequate coverage for the smooth day-to-day running of the business. Your immediate manager has final authority, acting reasonably, on when vacation time will be granted. Do not make any commitments until your vacation request has been approved in writing. A minimum of four(4) weeks notice is required to book vacation time.

Employees must complete the Vacation Request Form and submit it to their manager for approval prior to the end of the calendar year (December 31st).

Please note that any carried-over vacation days must be taken by the end of February of the following year.

10.2.1    General Managers Booking Vacation

General Managers are required to manage their Dealership’s Management Vacation Schedule to ensure that they are not away during the same time period as their General Sales Manager and if there is no GSM position at that location than they must not be away during the same time period as their Sales Manager.

Important:  All Management and Employees must complete the Vacation Request Form and submit it to their manager for approval prior to the end of the calendar year (December 31st).

10.3        Vacation and Leaves of Absence

Because the employment relationship continues during a period of pregnancy, parental, family medical, organ donor, personal emergency, declared emergency or reservist leave, the time on leave counts toward the completion of a vacation entitlement year or stub period. For example, an employee on leave for some or even all of a vacation entitlement year would still have earned a full two weeks of vacation time by the end of the vacation entitlement year. The vacation pay earned during that vacation entitlement year would be a minimum of four per cent of any wages actually earned during the year.

11    Absence


11.1        Emergency Leave

Under the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000, you are entitled to a maximum of 10 days emergency leave without pay per year if the company regularly employs 50 or more employees. Some of these emergency days may be paid by the company under its various leave policies as described below. In this case, the paid days will be counted in calculating your annual entitlement to emergency leave days.

Reasons emergency leave may be taken are: personal illness, injury or medical emergency, death, illness, injury, medical emergency, or an urgent matter that concerns the following individuals,

a) The employee’s spouse or same-sex partner.

b) A parent, stepparent or foster parent of the employee, the employee’s spouse or the employee’s same-sex partner.

c) A child, stepchild or foster child of the employee, the employee’s spouse or the employee’s same-sex partner.

d) A grandparent, step‑grandparent, grandchild, or step‑grandchild of the employee, the employee’s spouse or the employee’s same-sex partner.

e) The spouse or same-sex partner of a child of an employee.

f) The employee’s brother or sister.

g) A relative of the employee who is dependent on the employee for care and assistance.

The Company reserves the right to require an employee who takes leave under this policy to provide evidence reasonable in the circumstances that the employee is entitled to such leave.

If you take any part of a day as leave under this policy you shall be deemed to have taken one day’s leave on that day for the purpose of determining the maximum number of days leave to which you are entitled to per year.

If the Company requests a doctor's/medical certificate, the certificate must indicate:

a) that you are under the care of a qualified physician;

b) an expected or estimated return to work date.

For illnesses absences the Company, at its discretion, may request a written doctor/medical certificate and it is policy to provide a written doctor/medical certificate for absences of two (2) days or more..

In the event that you will be absent from work, you are personally required to notify your supervisor directly, before the start of your shift or no later than 15 minutes after the start of your shift.

11.2        Family Medical Leave

Subject to the presentation of an appropriate medical certificate, you are entitled to a maximum of 8 weeks unpaid leave in order to provide care and support for an immediate family member who has a critical medical condition with a significant risk of death within 26 weeks.

As per Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000, An immediate family member is defined for the purpose of this policy as:

a) a spouse, including a common-law spouse:

b) a child, stepchild or foster child of the employee or the employee’s spouse

c) parent, step parent or foster parent of the employee;

Family Medical leave may only be taken in no less than one- week periods. Employees must arrange to pay their portion of benefits during their absence in order to remain covered. Further information regarding Family Medical leave can be obtained from Human Resources.

11.3        Pregnancy Leave

A Pregnant employee who was hired at least 13 weeks before the date her baby is expected to be born is entitled to unpaid pregnancy leave in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000. This legislation currently provides up to 17 weeks of unpaid absence leave from work. You may be eligible for government sponsored paid Maternity Benefits. You will continue to receive group insurance benefits under the company benefit program during your leave provided arrangements are made to cover the employee cost portion prior to leave commencing. Car Allowances and demonstrator vehicles will not be continued during Pregnancy Leave. The duration of the leave will counted toward your length of service except for determining whether you have completed a probationary period. You are required to give written notice to management a minimum of two weeks prior to the commencement of a pregnancy leave and may be required to provide a certificate from a legally qualified medical practitioner stating the expected birth date. Additional notice so that work- flow is not interrupted would be greatly appreciated. Every effort will be made to keep your position available upon your return or failing this, a comparable position, if available. Further information regarding pregnancy leave can be obtained from Human Resources.

11.4        Parental Leave

Parental leave is available to employees who were hired at least 13 weeks before the date their leave is expected to start and who have a child coming into their care, custody or control for the first time. Parental leave is available to natural and adoptive parents. Parental leave will be administered in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000.

Although you will not be paid for this leave, which is currently up to 35 weeks if the employee also takes pregnancy leave, 37 weeks for those not taking pregnancy leave, you will continue to receive group insurance benefits under the company benefit program provided arrangements are made to cover the employee cost portion prior to leave commencing. You may be eligible for government sponsored paid Parental Benefits. Car Allowances and demonstrator vehicles will not be continued during Parental Leave. The duration of the leave will counted toward your length of service except for determining whether you have completed a probationary period. You are required to give written notice to management a minimum of two weeks prior to the commencement of a parental leave. Additional notice so that workflow is not interrupted would be greatly appreciated. Every effort will be made to keep your position available upon your return, or failing this, a comparable position, if available. Further information regarding pregnancy leave can be obtained from Human Resources.

11.5        Personal Leave of Absence

You may apply for a personal leave of absence without pay at any time. Requests for a personal leave of absence may or may not be granted at the sole discretion of the General Manager. Factors considered in responding to the request include their merit, the purpose for the leave, the length of service of the employee, and the frequency of such requests.

You are requested to first use vacation before requesting a personal leave and to submit your request in as far advance as possible to your manager.

Any request for Personal Leave for the purpose of working for another employer or for the purpose of serving a jail sentence will not be granted.

11.6        Bereavement Leave

The organization is committed to providing time off in the event of the death of a family member for the purpose of arranging or attending a funeral. Up to three(3) days emergency leave will be paid for time off in the event of the death of an immediate family member. You may be eligible to further days off without pay if you have not used all of your annual emergency leave days. If you have, you may request additional time off via the Personal Leave of Absence Policy.

Immediate family for the purpose of the Bereavement Leave Policy includes a spouse, common law spouse, same- sex partner, child, daughter‑in‑law/son‑in‑law, sister/brother, sister‑ in‑law/ brother‑in‑law, parent, grandparent, and grandparent of spouse. You are responsible for notifying your immediate manager of your need to take

Bereavement Leave as soon as possible. The Company reserves the right to request documentation to support the absence. The duration of any leave taken under this policy shall be included when determining an your entitlement to leave under the Emergency Leave or under the provisions of the Ontario Employments Standards Act 2000.

11.7        Jury Duty

If you are called to jury duty or summoned as a witness you will be excused from work for those days that you are required in court. You will be paid your regularly scheduled hours less any compensation received from court for a period up to five(5) business days once every three(3) years.

You must provide your manager with a copy of the jury summons or summons to witness as far in advance of the date of appearance as possible.

11.8        Voting

You are encouraged to exercise your civic duty by voting. Should adherence to your work schedule mean that you would miss the opportunity to vote, the organization will allow time for you to do so.

You should direct your request for time off to vote to your manager.

11.9        Job Abandonment

Employees, who are absent from work or fail to report to work after a vacation or leave of absence for three (3) consecutive working days without notifying their manager, are deemed to have voluntarily resigned from the company.

12    Discipline


It is the policy of the Company to be fair in the administration of employees and to encourage you as an employee to exercise self discipline at all times. Occasionally, it may be necessary to administer disciplinary action for misconduct or poor performance. The purpose of such action is to correct the inappropriate behaviour and to motivate you towards proper conduct in the future. The company reserves the right to examine the circumstances surrounding a transgression and to interpret those events and apply discipline as per labour legislation. The level of severity and frequency of the infraction will be taken into account in determining the appropriate discipline. One or more steps in the discipline process described below may be disregarded should the behaviour warrant it.

Discipline includes:  Informal Counselling

You are counseled by your manager and/or Human Resources in an effort to eliminate misunderstandings and to explain what constitutes acceptable conduct and behaviour.

Verbal Warning – When informal counselling has not produced the desired results or the situation has become worse with respect to the same concern or another unrelated but cumulative incident has occurred you are given a verbal warning which will be recorded in your Human Resources file.

Written Warning – The purpose of a written reprimand is to make certain that you are fully aware of the misconduct you have committed and what is and what corrective action is required, thereby enabling you to avoid a recurrence of the incident.

Final Probation Written Warning –You will receive a final probation written warning following serious misconduct or further repeated minor offenses. The purpose of final probationary written warning is to make certain that you understand the serious nature of the misconduct and that further misconduct will result in your termination.  From this point your employee status is probation.

Dismissal/Termination – An employee is dismissed as a result of a serious offence or the final probation step in the culmination of minor offenses of the same nature.

The Company reserves the right to examine the circumstances surrounding a transgression and to apply discipline as per Employment Standards Act (ESA).

13    Harassment and Discrimination Free Workplace

Obligation Memo related to the Workplace Harassment and Violence Policies

Policy:   Workplace Harassment and Violence Policy November 2013.  Please refer to this policy for all situations pertaining to issues related to Harassment or Violence

The Company intends to provide, monitor, and enforce workplace-specific policies and practices that recognize the dignity and equality of rights and opportunities of all our employees.

The Company is committed to providing a workplace free of sexual harassment (which includes harassment based on gender, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), as well as harassment based on such factors as race, colour, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sexual orientation, family-care or medical-leave status, or veteran status. The Company strongly disapproves of and will not tolerate harassment of employees by managers, supervisors or coworkers.  Similarly, the Company will not tolerate harassment by its employees of nonemployees with whom the Company employees have a business, service or professional relationship. Our policies and practices will be administered in a responsible manner that is free from any kind of physical, verbal, or written harassment

The Company insists that management do all in its power to enforce, support, and uphold this policy as well as lead by example at ALL times

Physical, verbal, or written harassment of other employees is a form of discrimination and is strictly prohibited by law.  The Company complies with human rights legislation and will not tolerate discrimination against, or harassment of, employees, customers, or agents.  Such behaviour will result in disciplinary action, which could lead to termination of employment.

13.1        Definition of Harassment

“A course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.” Harassment may take several forms, including abusive name calling, teasing, jokes, graffiti, threats, insults or unsolicited advances which could be considered racially, ethnically, or sexually derogatory or which present a stereotypical portrayal of any societal group.

Harassment includes verbal, physical and visual conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile working environment or that interferes with work performance. Such conduct constitutes harassment when (1) submission to the conduct is made either an explicit or implicit condition of employment; (2) submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for an employment decision; or (3) the harassment interferes with an employee's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

Harassing conduct can take many forms and includes, but is not limited to, the following: slurs, jokes, statements, gestures, assault, impeding or blocking another's movement or otherwise physically interfering with normal work, pictures, drawings or cartoons based upon an employee's sex, race, colour, national origin, religion, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, family-care or medical-leave status, or veteran status.

Sexual harassment is unsolicited, nonreciprocal behaviour by an employee who is in a position to control or affect another person’s job status and who uses the power or authority of that position to cause that employee to submit to sexual activity, or to fear that he or she would be punished for refusal to submit.

Sexual harassment also includes any employee conduct unreasonably interfering with another’s work performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.  Sexual harassment consists of a variety of behaviours by employees directed to other employees including, but not limited to, subtle pressure for sexual activity, inappropriate touching, inappropriate language, demands for sexual favours, and physical assault.  Sexually harassing conduct in particular includes all of these prohibited actions as well as other unwelcome conduct such as requests for sexual favours, conversation containing sexual comments and unwelcome sexual advances.

Any incident of harassment, including work-related harassment by any company personnel or any other person, should be reported promptly to the employee's supervisor or manager (or to any other member of management) or to Human Resources, who is responsible for investigating the matter.  Managers who receive complaints or who observe harassing conduct should inform Human Resources immediately.  The Company emphasizes that an employee is not required to complain first to their supervisor if that supervisor is the individual who is harassing the employee.

13.2        Unwelcome Verbal Conduct

Unwelcome verbal conduct includes propositions, comments on an employee’s sex life, sexual conduct, comments about an employee’s body, request for sexual favours, insults, threats, offensive jokes or teasing.

13.3        Unwelcome Physical Conduct

Unwelcome physical conduct includes pressing against another employee, touching, hugging, kissing, patting, pinching, assault, and forced sexual contact.

13.4        Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is unsolicited, nonreciprocal behaviour by an employee (male or female) who is in a position to control or affect another person’s job status and who uses the power or authority of that position to cause that employee to submit to sexual activity, or to fear that he or she would be punished for refusal to submit.

Sexual harassment also includes any employee conduct unreasonably interfering with another’s work performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.  Sexual harassment consists of a variety of behaviours by employees directed to other employees including, but not limited to, subtle pressure for sexual activity, inappropriate touching, inappropriate language, demands for sexual favours, and physical assault.

Sexual harassment includes the harassment of a female by a male, the harassment of a male by a female, and harassment based on sexual aggression between two people of the same gender.  Every employee has the right to freedom from sexual harassment in the workplace by:

        His or her employer; or

        An agent of his or her employer; or

        Another employee.

Every employee also has the right to be free from:

        Sexual solicitation or advance from a person who is in a position to confer, grant, or deny benefit or advancement to the employee where that person knows or ought to know that such behaviour is unwelcome;

        A reprisal or threat of reprisal for the rejection of a sexual solicitation or advance where the reprisal is made or threatened by a person who is in a position to confer, grant, or deny a benefit or advancement to the employee.

13.5        Internal Complaint Procedure

Harassment can be insulting, frightening and/or embarrassing for the complainant and it creates a hostile work environment for all employees.

We have an internal complaint mechanism for any employee who feels he or she has been a victim of harassment in the workplace.  Allegations will be investigated promptly and will be dealt with in strict confidence.  Completed complaint forms will not be filed in the complainant’s personnel file, but will be kept in a separate, locked file in the Human Resources Department.

Use of the internal complaint procedure will ensure that the Company has an opportunity to deal with allegations of harassment, rather than having complaints automatically proceed to an outside agency or commission for investigations.

The complaint procedure will be terminated only when the complainant is confident that a resolution has been reached.  If necessary, the problem will be presented to an internal review board for a final decision.

13.6        Complaint Procedure

When an employee has a work related complaint as a result of either action or lack of action on the part of another employee, manager, or the Company, the following steps are available for resolution of the complaint.  Every reported complaint of harassment will be investigated thoroughly, promptly and in a confidential manner. In addition, the Company will not tolerate retaliation against any employee for cooperating in an investigation or for making a complaint to your manager, Human Resources or any other manager.

In the case of the Company employees, if harassment is established, the Company will discipline the offender. Disciplinary action for a violation of this policy can range from verbal or written warnings up to and including immediate termination depending upon the circumstances.  With regard to acts of harassment by customers or vendors, corrective action will be taken after consultation with the appropriate management personnel.

Through the complete process the employee, manager and/or Human Resources should keep full confidential documentation.

Step 1

An employee’s concern should be discussed with the employee’s immediate Manager at the earliest opportunity in an effort to mutually resolve it.  In situations where the complaint involves the employee’s immediate supervisor or manager, the employee should feel free to contact HR for guidance and assistance.

Step 2

If the Manager and employee are unable to resolve the matter and the employee wishes to pursue the issue further, the employee has recourse to contact HR for guidance and to pursue the complaint through successive levels of management.

Step 3

The employee must submit a written complaint for review by Human Resources and Senior Management. Human Resources and the Senior Manager will thoroughly review the facts, give consideration to the merits and evidence of the case, the law, and other factors pertinent to the issue and make a recommendation. If the complaint has been frivolous or vexation, the individual making the accusation should be disciplined, up to and including termination with cause.

13.7        Nonretaliation

If an employee has filed a complaint in good faith, the employee should not be disciplined or otherwise penalized because of the complaint, regardless of whether or not the complaint is sustained. If it appears that the complaint was not filed in good faith, approval of Human Resources should be obtained before taking any action.

13.8        Human Rights Legislation Compliance

Under the Ontario Human Rights Code, every person has a right to equal treatment by the Company employees, their contractors, union workers and/or their agents with respect to services and facilities, accommodation, contracts and employment. The Company adopted the Human Rights and Anti-Harassment Policy to ensure ethical and respectful service and employment practices that incorporate equitable treatment for all employees, customers, contractors, residents and recipients of the Company services.

The goal of the Human Rights and Anti-Harassment Policy is to create a climate of understanding and mutual respect where each employee feels a part of the company and is able to contribute fully to the development and well-being of the Company.

The Company will not tolerate, ignore, or condone any form of discrimination or harassment and is committed to promoting appropriate standards of conduct at all times as per the Company Code of Conduct. All employees are responsible for respecting the dignity and rights of their co-workers and the customers they serve. Discrimination and harassment are serious forms of employee misconduct which may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

Any employee, including union workers, visitors and/or contractors to any Company facilities or individuals conducting business with the Company, are expected to adhere to this policy, including refraining from harassment of employees, other contractors, and persons acting on behalf of the Company. If such harassment occurs, the Company will take any steps available to ensure a harassment-free workplace, including barring the harasser from its facilities, where appropriate, or discontinuing business with contractors, consultants or service providers.

13.9        Purpose of Having a Human Rights Understanding in the Workplace

The main objectives of having a Human Rights understanding in the workplace are:

        to eliminate barriers in the workplace, commonly known as systemic discrimination and to develop a work environment that promotes equity and diversity,

        to contribute to the achievement of the Company's business goals and customers service delivery,

        to establish a framework that requires all departments within the Company to embrace the spirit of equity and diversity in the development of their policies and programs that impact the delivery of the Company services, the use of the Company facilities, grants to external agencies and other outwardly focused activities.


13.10   Dispute Resolution

If overlooked or neglected, minor misunderstandings may escalate into major dissatisfaction.

In the event that you have a concern about any aspect of your employment situation including a conflict involving another employee, you are encouraged to bring forward any issues so they may be addressed. The Company strives to resolve concerns promptly and fairly. In most cases the person in the best position to handle your concerns is your manager/supervisor. Employees are responsible for addressing their issue with their manager in a prompt and non-confrontational manner.

However, if your manager/supervisor cannot resolve the matter or is personally involved in your concern, then contact the Human Resources who will review the facts and render a decision or escalate the concern to the General Manager.

It is imperative that all parties treat each other with courtesy, respect, dignity and professionalism throughout the resolution process.

14    Internet and E-mail

The Company provides Internet and e-mail access for business. You have a responsibility to maintain and enhance the company’s public image and to use company e-mail and the Internet in a productive and appropriate manner.

Although the Company respects the privacy of its employees, employee privacy does not extend to the employee’s use of the Company e-mail and Internet systems. No person using such resources should expect privacy in their communications. All e-mail communications and downloaded material constitute company property.

Users of the Company e-mail and Internet are expected to be aware of all unacceptable uses of the devices and to comply with the below listed regulations.

14.1        Unacceptable Uses of the Internet and Company E-mail:

The company e-mail and Internet access may not be used for transmitting, retrieving or storage of any communications of a discriminatory or harassing nature or materials that are obscene or Xrated as they could contribute to a "poisoned work environment", or in any way is in violation of Legislation or laws

If an employee receives an email with inappropriate content or attachments they are to delete it immediately.

Harassment of any kind is prohibited electronic or otherwise. No messages with derogatory or inflammatory remarks including those about an individual’s sex, sexual orientation, race, age, disability, religion, national origin or physical attributes shall be transmitted shared or downloaded. No abusive, profane or offensive language is to be transmitted through the company’s e-mail or Internet system.

Infringement of copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property is prohibited.

Electronic media may not be used for any other purpose, which is illegal or against company policy or contrary to the company’s best interest.

Solicitation of non-company business or any use of the company email or Internet for personal gain is prohibited.

No employee may use the Internet facilities knowingly to deliberately propagate any virus worm, Trojan horse, trap door program or anytime of electronic  damage to the Company system.

No employee may use the company’s Internet facilities to knowingly disable or overload any computer system or network, or to circumvent any system intended to protect the privacy or security of another user.

No employee may download software without permission from the IT Director. Only software legitimately required to conduct business may be downloaded with consent. Adherence to all licensing agreement terms and proper registration of the software must be strictly adhered to.

All downloaded files must be scanned by company approved virus protection software.

No employee may use the Internet to solicit the performance of any activity that is prohibited by law.

Use of the Internet to make unauthorized purchases is prohibited. Internet and e-mail use may be monitored from time to time, without notice, to evaluate customer service and to determine how the system is being used. Employees should not expect privacy when using e-mail or Internet resources.

14.2        Security

a) The company has installed a variety of firewalls, proxies, Internet address screening programs and other security systems to assure the safety and security of the company’s networks. Any employee who attempts to disable, defeat or circumvent any company security facility will be subject to immediate dismissal from employment with cause.

b) Passwords or user ID’s issued by the company must be kept strictly confidential.

c) Upon termination of employment of any e-mail or Internet user, the manager shall notify the IT department of the name of the user. The IT department shall immediately deactivate the user’s passwords and access to any electronic systems.

14.3        Communications

a) The company has software and systems in place to monitor and record all Internet and e-mail usage.

b) Each employee is responsible for the content of all text, audio or images that they place or send over the company’s e-mail or Internet system.

c) The company will allow access to e-mail and the Internet only to those with legitimate business needs.

d) Any messages or information sent by an employee to another individual outside the company via an electronic network (e.g., bulletin board, online service or Internet) are statements that reflect on the company and must adhere to the organization’s guidelines.

e) All users must clearly identify themselves in any communications.

f) All communications sent by employees via the company’s e-mail/Internet must comply with the Internet and E-mail Policy and may not disclose any personal or confidential information including proprietary company information.

14.4        Reporting Abuse

In the event any employee believes that the electronic systems of the company are being misused or used in an abusive manner, that employee shall report such conduct directly to the Human Resources in confidence. The Human Resources shall investigate all such allegations, including by way of electronic monitoring with the assistance of IT Group.

Upon completion of the investigation, the Human Resources will report the findings and make recommendations to the General Manager for further action. The complainant shall be advised by the Human Resources of the outcome of the investigation.

14.5        Consequences

Failure to comply with the Internet & E-mail Policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include loss of Internet and e-mail privileges, reprimand, suspension, up to, and including termination of employment with cause or legal prosecution. We will cooperate with any legitimate law enforcement activity.

Examples of E-Mail/Internet Uses Permitted Uses Prohibited Uses E-mail


Permitted Usages

Prohibited Uses


Sending, receiving, forwarding and replying to messages for business purposes


Sending confidential or privileged company information of any kind (eg. Financial management, legal or operational information to unauthorized personnel)


Opening file attachments or enclosures without performing a virus scan Forwarding e-mail chain letters

Internet Browsing

Connecting to the and viewing any web page for business purposes


Printing web pages for business purposes

Internet Browsing

Connecting to any site for non business purposes


Contacting to crack sites


Connecting to web sites related to illegal, immoral and or unethical materials

Downloading Data

Downloading files/information required for business purposes from reliable major commercial sites to an isolated or quarantined folder until downloaded data is scanned for viruses, worms etc.

Downloading Data

Downloading files/information not related to Company business, including screensavers, pictures etc.


15    Workplace Environment

15.1        Attendance & Punctuality

You are expected to arrive for work on time and be regular in your attendance in order for all departments to operate effectively and for the organization to continue to deliver quality service to our customers. Attendance records will be kept.

In the event that you will be absent from work, you personally are required to notify your manager/supervisor directly, before the start of your shift or no later than 15 minutes after the start of your shift. If your manager is not available then you should speak with the General Manager or in his absence the Controller.

(i) Texting messages, Voicemails, faxes and/or Emails are not sufficient notification and are unreliable forms of business communication for conveying lateness, absences or sickness from your job. Most business phones do not have text message features & there is no way of confirming these kinds of messages have been received &/or understood & acknowledged.

(ii) You must phone and speak directly with your manager, in person, and messages of tardiness, sickness &/or absence from work must not be left with a 'co-worker'.

You must notify your manager each day you are absent. For absences of a longer duration your manager will establish a call in schedule for you.

Illnesses lasting 3 or more days require a doctor’s certificate. The certificate must indicate that you are receiving medical care from a qualified physician and must include your expected or estimated return to work date. Original copies of doctor’s certificates must be submitted by the fourth day of an illness. In the case of a prolonged illness, the company will require you to submit periodic written updates from your physician. You are expected to co-operate fully with requests for information.

In certain situations a doctor’s certificate or other documentation may be required for periods of shorter duration. If you arrive late you must report immediately to your manager. Keeping your manager informed will help to minimize the disruption in work. In the event that you must leave work early you are required to get approval from your manager in advance, giving as much notice as possible.

Management reserves the right to dock an employee’s pay in fifteen minute increments for late arrivals or early departures.

Chronic lateness or absenteeism will result in discipline up to and including dismissal of employment with cause.

Sick pay is in accordance with the Sick Day Policy.

15.2        Alcohol & Illegal Substances in the Workplace

As an organization with numerous employees who operate motor vehicles and serve the public on a daily basis, the Company cannot tolerate alcohol or illegal substances in the workplace. This prohibition extends to breaks and meal periods. No employee may partake of alcohol during the course of his or her working day unless attending an event that has been previously sanctioned by the General Manager.

If an employee is taking prescription or over the counter medication that could impair their driving or other job performance, the employee must report this treatment to their manager/supervisor.

Open alcohol, weapons and illegal substances are not permitted on the premises at any time. No employee shall report to work in an impaired or hung over condition. No employee shall operate any company or customer vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances or while taking prescription or over the counter medication if such drug use may impair their driving.

Anyone working or reporting to work while:


        under the influence of alcohol;

        under the influence of illegal substances;

        under the influence of legal substances that are not prescribed or are prescribed and cause impairment in the individual’s ability to perform their job duties;

        performing any illegal activity while representing the company;

will be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal from employment with cause.

“Under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances”, means that your ability to perform your duties is impaired, including by having a blood/alcohol concentration in excess of that prescribed by law for driving a vehicle, being in a physical or mental condition that creates a risk to the health and safety of you or other individuals or puts the company property at risk, demonstrating signs of impairment such as the smell of alcohol on your breath, slurred speech, difficulty with motor skills or other signs of physical and behavioural change such as red rimmed eyes, staggering and/or aggressive or loud behaviour not typical to the person.

In the judgment of a manager, if an employee attends work in an impaired of “hung over” condition, the manager shall take such steps as necessary to prevent the person from causing injury. The manager has the right to place the employee on temporary suspension.

On occasion the organization will host, sponsor or sanction social events where alcohol will be made available for consumption to employees which may take place on or off the premises. On these occasions it is expected that employees will consume alcohol in a responsible manner. In particular, each employee should limit his or her consumption of alcohol to an amount, which will not result in intoxication, or abusive, harassing, unsafe or other improper conduct.

Employees are responsible for governing their personal behaviour.

15.3        Hours of Operation

Generally, the operation is open from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Monday to Thursday, Friday 8:00 – 6:00 pm and Saturday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Customer demands dictate that individual departments work different hours and staff members are scheduled by their managers to accommodate these needs. Your manager will assign you a weekly schedule. Please note that schedules are subject to change as the operational needs of the business dictate.

15.4        Meal Breaks

Employees scheduled to work a shift greater than 5 hours are granted a minimum ½ hour unpaid meal break. Employees are to have an unpaid eating period at intervals that would not cause an individual to work more than five consecutive hours without a meal break. The exact time of the eating periods shall be established by your manager/supervisor in light of operational requirements. Eating breaks for shifts of 7 hours or greater may be up to 1 hour in duration as per the operating policy of the department. You should not skip your meal break and you will not be allowed to leave early in lieu of your meal break.

15.5        Smoke Free Workplace

In accordance with provincial and municipal laws, we are committed to providing a smoke-free workplace. Employees who smoke must do so outside in a hazard free area and away from the entrances as this presents a negative image to our customers or in a designated smoking area. Any employee caught smoking in any of the company’s buildings, outside a designated smoking area or in a company or customer vehicle is subject to disciplinary action up to an including termination of employment with cause for repeat offenses.

15.6        Personal Workspace

The organization strives to maintain a professional work environment at all times. Workplaces are to be kept free from material that would be considered inappropriate in a business setting. Pictures, postings or other materials that contain profane, provocative, suggestive, lewd or pornographic materials including text, cartoons, male or female pinups are strictly forbidden. Workplaces are to remain clean and tidy at all times. Nothing is to be affixed to walls or a fixture without the consent of your direct manager and his initial on the document.

16    Vehicles

16.1        Car Allowance, Demonstrators and Assigned Company Vehicles

Certain personnel may either be granted a car allowance or be given a demonstrator or an assigned a company vehicle to drive. For those employees who have been given a company car or demonstrator to drive, the company reserves the right to issue a car allowance in lieu thereof at any time.

The type of vehicle assigned to an employee is determined by management.

To be considered for a demonstrator or assigned a company vehicle, staff must possess and maintain an uncompromised driving record.

Acceptance of a demonstrator vehicle requires your signed agreement to reimburse the Company the lesser of the cost of the repair at a company approved auto body shop or 50% of the insurance deductible, which is presently $5000, in the event of an accident. The company will reimburse you the deductible if it determines you are not at fault for the accident. Reimbursement of the deductible for any other reason is subject to management discretion.

Use of Demonstrator vehicles, assigned company cars and car allowances will be discontinued during a pregnancy, parental or any other leave of absence.

The use of a demonstrator or company vehicle is a privilege, which carries with it certain responsibilities outlined below.

        You are expected to uphold any driving rules, regulations and laws and adhere to the Cell Phone Usage Policy and report all accidents or damage to a vehicle promptly.

        You as the employee assigned to the demonstrator or company vehicle are the only person authorized to drive the vehicle. Friends or family are prohibited from driving the vehicle.

        Demonstrators and assigned company vehicles are to be driven locally. Out of province trips are prohibited except where the trip is business related or the General Manager has provided written consent.

        Driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances means the loss of all demonstrator or company vehicle privileges as well as possible discipline up to termination of employment for cause.

        Violations of the Highway Traffic Act relating to or arising from the operation of a company vehicle are the responsibility of the employee assigned to the demonstrator or company vehicle. Any violations must be reported immediately to your manager.

        Violations, fines and sticker renewals are your responsibility, whether or not they are incurred during company business.

        A demonstrator or assigned company vehicle is considered a taxable benefit and will be reflected on your T4 slip.

        You may not exceed the maximum mileage of 12,000 kilometers or the limit set by the General Manager on a demonstrator or company vehicle. The limit may be amended from time to time depending on market conditions. Mileage should be kept to a maximum of 2000 kilometers per month.

        You must maintain a minimum of half a tank of gas in your demonstrator or assigned company vehicle at all times.

        You are responsible for any damages, scratches, dents, blown tires, cracked windshields, damaged rims, or wheel covers, or any other interior or exterior damage.

        You are not responsible for damage occurred while a customer is test driving a vehicle provided that you have verified the customer’s eligibility to drive and have not knowingly permitted a customer to drive under the influence of alcohol or an illegal substance and the damage is immediately reported to your manager.

        Demonstrators and assigned company vehicles must always be available for test drives and possible sale.

        Demonstrators and assigned company vehicles must be kept clear of personal belongings and the company assumes no responsibility for personal items. Golf clubs and hockey gear strewn throughout the car do not entice a customer to buy.

        Demonstrators and assigned company vehicles should be kept clean and it is the responsibility of the assigned driver to wash the car regularly. The company does not assume this responsibility.

        Smoking in any company vehicle is prohibited.

         Abuse of a demonstrator or assigned company vehicle or failure to adhere to the demonstrator assigned company vehicle policy could result in the loss of car privileges.

16.2        Vehicle Damage

Any damage to customer or company vehicles must be reported immediately to your manager. Should you be involved in an accident you must immediately report the accident to your manager who will in turn inform the General Manager. Accidents or damage to vehicles deemed to be caused by recklessness or carelessness will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination for cause.

Should you be involved in an accident, while driving a company or customer vehicle you are responsible for obtaining complete insurance information: name, address, telephone numbers of all other drivers involved and a police report which you will supply to the General Manager. Employees should remain calm and never admit guilt; let the police investigate. Failure to immediately report an accident to your manager will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination for cause.

16.3        Motor Vehicle Act

Our business is governed by the Motor Vehicle Act. Any tampering with vehicle odometers, the counseling of customers to do so, or the alteration of a vehicle’s true mileage on a sales order form, or knowledge of same which is not reported to management will be grounds for immediate termination of employment with cause. Any such infractions will also be reported to the Registrar of the Motor Vehicles Dealers Act Department of Consumers and Financial affairs. All employees who sell vehicles must be properly registered with OMVIC and be familiar and comply with OMVIC rules and regulations. Loss or suspension of an OMVIC license may result in the termination of employment with cause.

16.4        Employee Vehicle Purchases

You are entitled to purchase a new vehicle for you and your significant other. New vehicles may be purchased to a maximum 2 per couple and may be replaced 36 months from the date of purchase. Certain vehicles may be exempt from the employee purchase program. Vehicles are sold with the express understanding that they are for personal use only and may not be used commercially, exported or be subsequently transferred to another owner within 12 months of purchase. New cars, subject to availability, may be purchased at Dealer Net + freight & PDI + $200.00. Used Car prices will be negotiated with the Used Car Manager. Rates are subject to change.

Should you wish to purchase a vehicle contact the General Manager. Parts and Service for your own personal vehicles may also be obtained by you and your significant other at a discounted rate. Presently rates are $31.00 for labour, and cost + 10% for parts. Rates are subject to change. Only the Service Manager or an employee authorized by the Service Manager may process a work order for employees.

Employees and their significant others using preferred service rates must understand that customers awaiting service have first priority. All work conducted in the shop must have a work order initiated by a service advisor. You must pay for your servicing on the same day the work is completed.

17    Health & Safety

The Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. The Company will ensure that the measures and procedures as prescribed in the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations and other relevant legislation concerning health and safety are complied with.

You are responsible for:

        working in compliance with the Occupational Health & Safety Act;

        wearing any protective equipment or clothing as required by the Company that relates to the specific job being performed;

        reporting any defective equipment or protection device that may be dangerous to your supervisor;

        not removing or making ineffective any protective device that is required by the Company or by regulation ;

        reporting any known workplace hazard to your supervisor;

        not using or operating equipment or working in a way that might endanger any worker;

        not engaging in any prank, contest, feat of strength,

        unnecessary running or rough boisterous conduct;

        cooperating fully in the accident reporting procedure by reporting any accident or injury promptly to your supervisor;

        helping to complete the necessary paperwork such as a form 7 and having your health practitioner complete a Functional Abilities form as required;

        contacting your manager as soon as possible after receiving medical attention;

        participating in safe & early return to work programs.

Your supervisor is responsible for:

        ensuring work is conducted in a safe manner;

        addressing refusal to work

        ensuring all staff are trained on the proper and safe use of equipment and substances in the workplace;

        insisting that the appropriate safety equipment be worn;

        keeping the work area free from hazards;

        reporting all First Aid occurrences;

        reporting all accidents, incidents promptly;

         advising a worker of potential or actual health & safety dangers known by the supervisor;

        taking every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of the employee.

17.1        Accident Reporting

The Company is committed to having a safe, hazard free and accident free work environment.

Any accident (no matter how slight) that occurs in the workplace must be immediately reported to your supervisor. The first priority in the event of an accident is obtaining first aid and/or medical attention for the injured employee. The Company is required by law to report accidents and requires your co-operation in completing the requisite paperwork to meet the required legislations.

17.2        Early & Safe Return to Work

In compliance with provincial legislation the Company is committed to offering modified duties to those individuals injured at work in order to facilitate their re-entry back into the workforce. Should you be injured at work, alternative duties may be arranged based on medical advice from your practitioner, until such time as you are able to return to your normal duties.

17.3        Personal Protective Devices

You are required to wear the prescribed safety equipment and clothing You are required to wear the prescribed safety equipment and clothing required for your individual work area or for the job or task you are completing. All personnel who work in the auto bay area must wear safety shoes or boots. Protective footwear, eyewear gloves or respirators may be required for completing certain tasks and should discuss with his/her manager before attempting projects that requires potentially high risk safety issues .

Those employees who have successfully completed their probationary period and are required to wear safety boots will receive up to $100.00 rebate each year for ‘green tab certified’ safety boots/shoes.  This only applies to employees who work in Safety Shoe designated areas in the work place. Proof of purchase must be provided to your manager who will submit the receipt to payroll for reimbursement.


17.4        Cellular Phone Use Prohibited During Operation of Vehicles

In order to ensure the safety of our employees, cellular phone use is prohibited during the operation of a customer or company vehicle unless:

        the cell phone is equipped with a hands free device and the hands free device is in operation, provided the traffic laws of the jurisdiction allow the aforementioned usage;

        the vehicle is safely parked prior to engaging in a conversation;

        an emergency situation arises that warrants the use of a cellular phone.

17.5        License Status

An employee who must have a valid driver’s license as a requirement of his/her job agrees to report any change in the status of his/her driver’s license which results in the loss and/or suspension of their driver’s license at the time they are advised. Failure to report any changes in the status of a driver’s license may result in disciplinary action such as ‘Corrective Action’ up to probation and/or including termination.


18    Branding and Logo

All employees must sickly abide by the rules as set out. Violating any use of the logo and corporate standards will be dealt with through Corrective Action Policy.

Employees should contact Group Communication if they have any questions regarding approved usage of the logo.

18.1         Branding Key Points

The key points of TREE OF LIFE’s branding policy are:

·      All dealers must use the design in the form given in the electronic manual

·      Only original marks, which are downloaded from the manual may be used

·      All basic rules as set out in the Design Manual must be strictly adhered to

·      Any deviation from the basic rules, due to local legislation or contractual requirements must be discussed and approved by Group Communication

·      Country/business stream management is responsible for internal communication of the use of the design manual

·      The design will also be used for all new purchases or acquisitions, repainting, reprinting etc.

·      The manual is administered by Group Communication

·      The electronic design manual will be continually updated and examples will be added with time

18.2         Correspondence

All correspondence must be printed on the Company letterhead and posted in the approved Company envelope.

18.3         Logo

·      Contact Group Communication for official logo files. The logo must remain exactly as created.

·      The colour may not be changed

·      The logo may not be reshaped.

·      The logo must not be obscured by other graphics.

·      The logo is not to be used in any unauthorized locations or purpose.

19    Corporate

19.1        Cash Handling & Other Asset Management

As trusted employees of the organization you shoulder the responsibility of managing company assets. The company expects you to handle cash, credit cards, debit cards and inventory in an honest fashion. Those employees reporting billable hours are expected to report only on services actually rendered. Under no circumstances should a transaction take place without a work order, invoice or bill of sale. Anyone stealing, misappropriating funds, manipulating inventory, or participating in the fraudulent use of credit or debit cards or reporting hours for services that have not been rendered is subject to immediate termination of employment with cause and possible prosecution.

19.2        Customer Service

At the end of the day a customer’s impression of our organization and our product is a direct reflection of how they were treated by you, our employee. Remember that a customer’s satisfaction level enhances the success of the company and helps enhance your livelihood as well as the livelihood of your fellow co-workers.

19.3        Meetings

Meetings allow us the opportunity to obtain information and exchange ideas with our colleagues and management. The Company expects its employees to attend scheduled meetings. You will be informed of meeting times in advance and are required to be on time, to be attentive, and to participate as required.

19.4        Organization Charts

Tree of Life organization charts are the sole property of Tree of Life and no employee may publish or distribute through any media without the written permission of the president and CEO.

19.5        Document Storage

All employees must follow Tree of Life's policies for creation, storage, retention and distribution of corporate documents. No documents should be distributed to a third party without record of distribution and written permission of Senior Management.

19.6        Key Security and Control

All employees must abide by Tree of Life's policies for premise, equipment, property, furniture and vehicle key storage and distribution. Distribution of keys may result in theft and/or other criminal action to Tree of Life property or person. Legal action will be taken against any employee illegally making keys available to unauthorized personnel. Employees are responsible for ensuring all keys are stored in the correct appropriate location. Tree of Life may require tracking of keys to vehicles.

19.7        Legal

TREE OF LIFE conducts business adhering to all labour and business legislation.  Employees are responsible for being knowledgeable of all policy changes.  In the event legal action is taken against employees, ignorance is not an acceptable reason for inappropriate behaviour. To remain current with Tree of Life's policies employees should regularly check the Employee Handbook and Police HR Intranet site. If the employee has any questions they should contact their management or Human Resources.

20    Conclusion

You are an integral part of the Company team. Working together we can reach our common goal of becoming the country’s premier automobile organization.

The success we have achieved in the past has been the result of the hard work and dedication of our most important resource: people like you. In today’s competitive business environment, your contribution is more important than ever in shaping a positive future for our company.

This guide should answer many of your questions about the Company. If you have further questions about specific policies, procedures or benefits, your manager or the General Manager can provide you with more detailed information.

As new policies are added or existing policies modified, you will receive additional pages for insertion/substitution into this manual.

This concludes our employee handbook.



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Tree of Life
1100 Lansdowne Avenue, Unit #326  Toronto, Ontario, M6H 4K1,   T: 416.516.9330,    F: 416.516.4010,  E: