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Bulletin Board

An electronic Bulletin Board provides the employee with a central place to post questions and receive responses to questions that everyone would benefit from.  Bulletin Boards can take on different forms.  Online and Physical Boards around the office are used for specific reasons.  Physical Boards are required to post Government Regulations and Health and Safety Guidelines.  These are required to be visible throughout the company.

Online Bulletin Board

What is a forum/message board?

An internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion website where you and your visitors can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. These messages can then be viewed at any future time, even if you were not online when they were posted. Forums are a great way to foster interaction, discussion, and improve customer loyalty.

Different Forums can be set up to keep topics separate.  Forums might include Training, Benefits, Classified, Certifications, Health and Safety.

Set up

Special forums could be created for just employee to employee. 

These forums might include a classified board where comments such as: "Looking for a bowling partner for Tuesday nights or Planning a Cross Boarder Shopping on xxxxx bus holds 25 people, please contact if interested or Lost white sweater in lunch room  if found please contact. 

There would have to be some monitoring before any posting went live to make sure it was within the Tree of Life's Guidelines

How to Generate

There are a number of Online Bulletin Board sites that are free or minimum fee depending on what features you want.  You can set up controls and monitoring.  Do a search on "create free online bulletin board" to locate various available resources

Who would have access

To keep control of who has access Human Resources would register employees.  No person would be allowed to register themselves nor would any nonregistered person be able to view.


Create Physical Bulletin Boards

Workplace bulletin boards serve as a visual way to communicate with employees. Although important information may be disseminated by email, employees may not read email on a regular basis due to job responsibilities. Keep your staff up to date about issues that impact their jobs by installing bulletin boards in high-traffic areas such as break rooms, cafeterias and hallways.

Compliance Posters As an employer, you're required by law to place two posters on your workplace bulletin board: the "Fair Labour Standards Act" poster and the "Employee Right for Workers with Disabilities/Special Minimum Wage" poster. The Department of Labour makes the posters available online for employers to print and post. You may also purchase glossy versions of the posters at office supply stores. Labour department may also require you to post state-specific labour information on your employee bulletin board; you can find out such information on your state labour department's website.

Human Resources Employees may consider applying for other positions within the company at some point in their careers and may hover over employee bulletin boards that post information about open positions. You may collaborate with human resources to keep the bulletin board current with job announcements and important company policies. Fliers announcing training workshops and benefits updates should also be placed prominently on such a bulletin board.

Related Reading: How to Make Employee Information Boards

Team Spirit Workplaces may participate in community service activities. You may post information about such activities, as well as post sign-up sheets on employee bulletin boards to get the word out and encourage participation. If your workplace participates in nationally recognized community service activities, you may inspire participation by posting brochures, photographs of past events and sample prizes on the board. You may also post information about workplace contests and initiatives such as weight loss, summer reading and recycling on the "Team Spirit" section of the bulletin board.

Personal Events Employees, especially those who work in the same departments, forge bonds when they work together for years. Foster a family atmosphere by allowing employees to post photographs of personal events such as marriages, birth of children, graduations and vacations. All employees should be given the opportunity to share personal photographs, as long as the photographs aren't offensive. You may delegate maintenance of the personal events bulletin board space to an employee.



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