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Recognizing employees for their contributions communicates that their contribution is valued. Various recognitions are awarded throughout the year. Some are nominated by management and others through peers. Awards may be one on one or at an awards gathering.

Sample recognition awards:

  • employee of the month
  • attendance
  • adding to the bottom line
  • sales
  • bring on new clients or closing a sale

Important benefits of employee recognition programs

Employee recognition programs are an invaluable way to boost morale and motivation in any work environment. Employees appreciate being noticed for a job well done. When recognition programs are not in place, productivity can suffer.

Benefits of recognizing and showing appreciation to staff include:

  1. Boosting motivation and dedication of the employees causes a chain reaction in the company. For instance, if an employee is recognized for their efforts on a project, other employees are more likely to work harder because they see that the company appreciates its employees and notices what is done.
  2. Increased employee satisfaction and less turn over for the company reinforces an employee's focus and sense of gratitude for hard work.

By having incentives for employees you are not "bribing" staff to do their work but rather providing a reward of some kind for going the distance on a particular project. Unfortunately, many companies do not use employee recognition programs because they do not understand the benefits it can offer and the impact it has on the overall production as a company.

Getting Creative to Motivate Employees 

It is important to be creative when it comes to employee recognition. It does not take a lot of money for you to simply recognize an employee who has done a good job or who has shown leadership skills. 

Below are some simple, cost effective ways to recognize staff.

  • Hold a company or department meeting where employees are recognized with a card, certificate or even cake.
  • Place a note on your employee's office door or computer screen stating your appreciation for the work they are doing and that you are thankful they are part of the team. Be specific in your praise and make it sincere.
  • Reward the employee with a two-hour lunch break.
  • Mention the employee's name in your company newsletter.

Why Employee Recognition Programs Work 

It is a known fact that employee recognition raises morale and helps those who were awarded or recognized to continue working hard. It also inspires others around them to work harder as they see that the company does notice and that hard work is appreciated. 

Recognizing employees even when you have to do so with less expensive awards is vital to show that you, as an employer truly care about your staff. It is human nature that a pat on the back or a kind and warm "thank you" is sometimes all it takes to keep your best employees motivated and to increase morale.


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Tree of Life
1100 Lansdowne Avenue, Unit #326  Toronto, Ontario, M6H 4K1,   T: 416.516.9330,    F: 416.516.4010,  E: