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EAP Employee Assistance Programs

Employees sometime need a third party to help them resolve conflicts in their lives. Employees have access to an Employee Assistance providers. All meetings and discussion are totally confidential. At no time is anything reported back to the company except the number of persons using the service.

A link is provided to the EAP provider where there employee has access to free online resources.  Appointments can be made online. Employees are asked to book appointments on their own time or use banked hours or vacation time.

The purpose of an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is to improve the psychological health of your employees. It will help your staff develop coping skills and accept a greater degree of personal responsibility. It will help them resolve their individual, marital, family and job performance problems. As a result, their productivity and attendance will improve.

Your employees and their dependents will have immediate access to confidential professional counselling, free of charge.

Counsellors are Doctoral level Clinical Psychologists (Ph.D., C.Psych.). Professionals with the highest qualification in the field of human behaviour provide direct counselling.

Counselling focuses on helping the patient deal effectively with change and stress in their personal, career and family lives.

Your managers, supervisors and human resource staff will be able to focus on work performance. They will no longer feel the need to struggle with the personal problems of their staff.

Features to look for in an EAP:

  • Direct Access: Employees call the psychologist's office directly.
  • Quick Response: The first counselling session occurs within a few days, and a crisis is dealt with immediately.
  • Professional: Counsellors have their Doctorate degree in clinical psychology, and are experts in human behaviour.
  • Confidentiality: The employer never knows who uses the service.
  • Off-Site: Counselling takes place at the Psychologist's office.
  • Direct Treatment: Referrals are made only when the patient requires another specialist or long-term care.
  • Appropriate Coverage: 24 hours a day hot-line with offices in towns and cities in which employees are located

Benefits of an EAP

Psychological Health Care in Canada

Publicly funded provincial hospital insurance plans provide excellent physical healthcare through a network of doctors and hospitals. Employer-sponsored extended healthcare insurance policies reimburse employees for most expenses not covered by the provincial plan. Canadians are fortunate to have such excellent healthcare for a physical accident or sickness.

Unfortunately, when we face emotional, interpersonal or psychological problems, the traditional healthcare delivery system is not much help. It is difficult to find a qualified professional, and the accessibility and cost prevent us from getting the help we need.

The health and well-being of your employees is important to your corporate success. This explains how an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will satisfy the needs of your employees while helping meet your corporate objectives.


The personal problems of your employees have a dramatic impact on their job performance and productivity.
Personal difficulties, such as work-related stress, marital or family problems, or alcohol and drug addiction, can effect almost anyone. Sometimes, such problems can impair an employee's performance at work, leading to lower productivity, strained relations with co-workers and frequent absences or accidents.

An EAP will help your employees sort out the difficulties that may be causing them trouble in the workplace. They will be able to get professional psychological counselling to help them resolve their problems. This type of short-term results-oriented therapy program focuses on clarifying the problem, implementing solutions and monitoring progress. The result is a healthier, more productive employee with improved relations at home and at work.

Healthy Human Resources

Personal problems do become personnel problems. The following statistics paint a picture of the stress that Canadian workers undergo. More than 17% of households are run by single parents. One in every three marriages ends in divorce. Most discipline cases involve problem drinking. Of the Canadian work-force, 5%-10% have an alcohol problem and another 5%-10% have a drug-related problem.
This investment in corporate wellness is likely to be the most significant factor that will influence the quality of work, productivity, attendance and retention of your staff. By addressing the personal needs of your employees, you can create a healthier corporate environment. An EAP will help both your employees and your corporation reach their potentials. The increasing popularity of EAPs shows that corporations are beginning to realize the need to invest in healthy human resources.

What is an EAP?

An EAP, or employee assistance program, is a confidential, short term, counselling service for employees with personal problems that affect their work performance. EAPs grew out of industrial alcoholism programs of the 1940's. EAPs should be part of a larger company plan to promote wellness that involves written policies, supervisor and employee training, and, where appropriate, an approved drug testing program.

EAP Services?

EAPs are usually a program purchased or funded by your employer and provided by an external organization or occasionally by a department within your company.  Ask your manager, Human Resources Department.

Who offers EAP services and how do I find them?

To locate service providers in your area use a search engine, such as Google. Key words include "EAP service providers". You may wish to add your location to help narrow the results.

Do we certify or License EAP providers?

No. If you wish to start your own EAP company and offer EAP services we recommend you contact the Canadian Employee Assistance Program Association (CEAPA)

What is the purpose of an EAP?

The EAP offers help with the resolution of problems that are affecting work. These problems, however, do not have to be caused by workplace issues. Employee Assistance Programs are designed to help people understand or overcome their personal problems. While most EAPs offer a wide range of services, they often refer to other professionals or agencies who can offer more or extended care in particular areas.

What types of services does an EAP offer?

The range of areas typically managed by an EAP provider include:

  • Personal issues.
  • Job stress.
  • Relationship issues.
  • Eldercare, childcare, parenting issues.
  • Harassment.
  • Substance abuse.
  • Separation and loss.
  • Balancing work and family.
  • Financial or legal.
  • Family violence.

Some EAP providers are also able to offer other services including retirement or lay-off assistance, and wellness/health promotion and fitness (such as weight control, nutrition, exercise, or smoking).

Others may offer advice on long-term illnesses, disability issues, counselling for crisis situations (e.g., death at work), or advice specifically for managers/supervisors in dealing with difficult situations.

Who can use an EAP?

EAPs are open to all employees and members of their immediate family.

What happens when I call an EAP?

In most cases, an EAP phone number is posted or otherwise distributed to staff members. This number is often to what is known as a referral agent.

A referral agent could be a someone from within the organization such as a health professional in the medical department, a union counsellor or an employee who has received EAP training. If there is no internal referral agent, the employee could be referred to an external EAP resource. Referral agents must be familiar with available community resources which could include social, financial and mental health services, professional counsellors, or ministers. A referral agent defines the specific nature of the problem and refers the person to the appropriate resource for assistance. The actual referral depends on the type of problem, the preference of the person, and the ability of the person to pay for the service (if costs are not otherwise covered by the EAP or insurance program).

When an employee voluntarily contacts an EAP provider, a confidential record is opened. The EAP provider will collect any necessary information and, depending on the severity of the problem and the capabilities of the EAP personnel, will decide if the problem can be handled by the provider or if a referral is needed to an outside resource (such as a particular substance abuse program). Interviews are typically offered to the employee within a set period of time (e.g., interviews will be conducted within 24 or 48 hours) unless the situation is judged to be an emergency.

What happens with an EAP referral and who knows about it?

In an EAP, there are three types of referrals:

1. Self-referral where the employee seeks help on their own.

2. The informal referral where a supervisor, friend or co-worker recommends the EAP.

No record of these two types of referral appears in the employee's personnel file.

3. A formal referral is based on job performance and the supervisor recommends the EAP. This recommendation may or may not appear in the individual's personnel file depending on the situation. Often, no notation is made unless there is a need for formal disciplinary action. What is discussed during the sessions, however, is not reported to the employer in either case.

What makes an EAP successful?

Several factors make an EAP successful:

Strict confidentiality.

Open to employees and their immediate families.

Recognition and commitment by management, employees and union (if there is one) that an EAP is needed.

Policies and procedures supported by top management, employees and the union.

Establishment of both formal and informal referral procedures.

Promotion of the EAP and encouragement to use the service.

Managers and employees educated in the workings of the EAP.

Periodic evaluation of the EAP to be sure the needs of both the employee and the employer are being met.

In addition, the EAP must be monitored and evaluated to ensure continued quality of the referral/assistance and to correct potential trouble situations. An appropriate assessment, referral and follow-up of progress are important for continued success of the EAP.

What things should I look for when contracting/hiring an EAP provider?

Hiring professional services, no matter what the service may be, requires some investigation. It is the client's responsibility to find a competent consultant who is qualified by education, knowledge, and experience. The following questions are not meant to be the only questions you may ask, but rather they are a start to your checklist.

1. What is the experience of the provider?

  • How many years has the provider been serving these clients?
  • Can the provider provide a list of references?

2. Where are the provider's offices located? (A local organization is generally preferred because they are familiar with the community and its resources.)

3. What is the provider's scope of services?

Examples may include:

  • Stress management.
  • Child care or elder care referral.
  • Wellness program.
  • Counselling for crisis situations (e.g., death at work).
  • Advice specifically for managers/supervisors in dealing with difficult situations.
  • Exactly how would the organization provide services to our employees?
  • For example, would the provider use an 800 number, referral network, on site service, etc.
  • What is the policy on returning calls? How long before a call-back is placed (e.g., within 24 hours, 48 hours)?

4. How does the provider determine to whom the clients are referred?

  • How and how often is the list of referral sources updated?

5. What is the provider's availability?

  • How many staff members are available in typical and non-typical business hours?
  • What services are available in non-typical business hours?
  • What is the availability for swing shift employees?

6. How many counselors are provided per employee?

  • What are the backgrounds of the counselors, i.e. education, credentials, years of experience, etc.?

7. What type of training is provided?

  • (Employee orientation, management/union representative training, on-going education programs for employees)

8. Does the provider have a follow-up or utilization review service?

  • If so, how is it done?

9. What kinds of return-to-work, aftercare, or support services are offered?

10. What types of publicity and promotion of EAP services would be offered?

11. What is the fee structure? (E.g., flat fee? Based on average usage statistics and number of employees? Per referral?)

12. What types of reports are produced to the employer? (E.g., number of referrals, what types, etc.)

Environmental and Workplace Health
Benefits of using the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

If Employee Assistance Services (EAS) is your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) service provider, please call 1-800-268 or 1-800-5803 (for persons with a hearing impairment) to access the program.

In light of ongoing changes within Canada's federal public service and its impact on employees, EAS has made the decision to re-post past newsletters dealing with topics related to coping with change; grief and loss (employment, death); and financial management.

Our intention is that this information will be of use and support to our clients during these times of change.

Kindest Regards,

The EAS Team

  • Impact of Change
  • Coping with Change
  • Grief
  • When Panic Strikes - Don't Panic
  •  Grief: A Path to Healing and to Honouring Losses Financial Stress

A Better Quality of Life

All of us have experienced, at one time or another, some difficulties which can disrupt our lives and may have an effect on our well-being.

Your EAP can assist in addressing almost every problem that affects professional or personal lives. Here are some examples:

  • marital and family problems;
  • work-related problems;
  • interpersonal conflicts.
  • Strictly Confidential

When you call our 24-hour Crisis and Referral Centre at 1-800-2-7708 (or 1-800-565803 for persons with a hearing impairment) for support and assistance, you are assured of the highest standards of confidentiality. Your employer will not know that you have accessed the program and will not have access to any of your private information. In addition, our community-based counsellors are bound by their own professional code of ethics as well as the confidentiality provisions in our contractual agreements that further serve to further guarantee client confidentiality. There is no risk to your future career advancement.

Ease of Access and Bilingual Service

All calls to the EAS Employee Assistance Program are answered by fully trained bilingual (French and English) counsellors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. All counsellors have a minimum of a master's degree in counselling, social work or psychology and are trained in crisis and suicide prevention/intervention.

Service is Free to You

Because your employer believes in the well-being of its employees, your employer pays for the cost of the program.

Trained and Experienced Counsellors

Our national network of more than 700 highly trained and experienced counsellors include qualified psychologists, social workers and trained educators with a specialization in counselling - all with a minimum of a master's degree and 5 years of counselling experience.

They have a wide range of expertise and specializations and clients are always referred accordingly.

High Level of Satisfaction

According to our most recent Voluntary Client Satisfaction Survey, 98% of service users will contact us again in the future should they need help and 95% are "totally" or "very satisfied" with the services received.


In e-counselling, the counsellor and client exchange e-mail instead of meeting face-to-face. Typically, e-mails are exchanged once a week for an average period of 3 weeks.

Find more information about e-counselling.

Tools for You

For more information about how your EAP service can work for you, see this excerpt from an EAP information session presentation that is usually delivered face-to-face. Please speak with the EAP contact within your organization to request a face-to-face information session for your organization. EAS also offers information sessions through videoconferencing and teleconferencing.



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Tree of Life
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